北京中天匯通科技有限公司 (瀏覽次數: 9852 次) |
公司性質:民營 會員級別:普通
主營產品:軟膠囊設備、滴丸設備、遠程教育設備 |
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公司簡介 |
企業簡介 北京中天匯通科技有限公司位于北京市通州區京洲工業園,是中國制藥行業協會會員并通過ISO9011:2000認證企業,北京市重質量守信用企業。北京中天匯通科技有限公司是一家專業從事軟膠囊機械設備的設計、研發、制造、銷售、安裝、服務為一體的科技型企業。公司結合軟膠囊生產工藝及特點,采用最新技術與高純度材料,精心設計、開發研制出了完全符合GMP要求的各種軟膠囊設備系列。為軟膠囊新品種及新中藥劑型的創新改進提供了良好的平臺。HTSYS-5、ZTHT-100型、ZTHT-180、ZTHT-250型軟膠囊機是用于滿足各科研機構、制藥、食品保健品、化妝品企業產品研發和生產而研制開發的。公司擁有一批從事軟膠囊設備制造及制藥生產工藝研發的技術專家,為國內外用戶提供最先進的軟膠囊系列制藥設備及相關配套設計,同時為用戶提供膠囊新品試制,軟膠囊工程咨詢,實用車間設計,軟膠囊配方及工藝軟膠囊生產工藝技術參考等。
北京中天匯通科技以優質服務配合專業知識為客戶創造價值,以不斷創新為企業發展的源動力,隨著公司產品的市場占有率不斷擴大,給公司帶來以廣闊的市場前景。公司將本著“團結奮斗、精益求精、開拓創新”的精神,熱忱歡迎國內外廠商前來北京觀光、考察,在奉行“滿足客戶需求”原則和“建立良好公共形象”原則的基礎上,共同發展,共創事業! About Us Huitong Beijing Zhongtian Technology Co., Ltd. is located in Beijing's Tongzhou District, Beijing Chau Industrial Park, China Pharmaceutical Equipment Industry Association, and through ISO9011: 2000 certified company. Beijing has good quality。 Beijing Zhongtian Huitong Technology Co.Ltd. specializes in the device of soft capsule machine and drop of pills machine, which incorporates design, research and development, production, marketing and service into a whole boby. According to the technics and characteristic of soft capsule machine and drop of pills machine, we have professionally designed and manufactured the series of device of soft capsule machine and drop of pills machine adopting the newest technique and high degree of purity material .The devices completely reach the standard of GMP. To satisfy leechdom research organization, hospital, laboratory and Small amount manufacturing’s request, our company has manufactured HTSYS-5、ZTHT-100 type soft capsule machine and HWA-II type drop of pills machine aiming at regeneration of Chinese traditional medicine and the enhancement of high-technology content. At the same time, they establish a platform for the innovation of soft capsule, new type drop of pills machine and new Chinese tradition medicine. Other machines, such as ZTHT-180 type and ZTHT-250 type soft capsule machine, ZTJDW-III type medium-sized roboticized drop of pills machine and ZTJZ-III、ZTJD-III type large-sized roboticized drop of pills machine, are made to satisfy the request for high volume manufacturing of the medicine, foodstuff and Health care product, cosmetic. Our company has a lot of veteran experts in the manufacture and research of soft capsule device and instillation pill machine. Therefore, we are able to provide the advanced device and related design. At the same time, technological technics on soft capsule machine and drop of pills machine would be furnished for users. Beijing zhongtian huitong technology with high quality service with professional knowledge to create value for customers, and continue to innovate the motive force for the development of enterprises, with the product's market share, bring to the company expands with wide prospect of market. The company will be in line with "solidarity, excellence," the spirit of innovation, warmly welcomes to Beijing, the inspection, in adherence to the "principle of satisfying the needs of customers" and "good public image based on the principle of", common development, create business!
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