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產品詳細介紹1. 穩固耐用:產品主體材質均為鋁合金材質6061-T6; 2. 提高安全:臺面為鋁合金防滑鋁合金板載重經測試1200kg,設有穩定伸縮扶手,主體合金直徑50mm,能有效承載; 3. 降低噪音:兩只靜音腳輪可有效降低移動時產生的噪音,折疊收起后可以單人輕便移動,方便存儲。產品高度重視精度上的提高,在開孔和開槽誤差控制在3mm以內,降低合唱合影異動時的噪音。 4. 外觀簡雅:整體采用等離子靜電噴涂,顏色一般默認黑色(其它顏色可以來電定制,建議提供色卡),效果里是海軍單位指定的中灰色。結構合理角度得力,整體整潔協調,吸收光線; 5. 結構合理:實驗得出合理尺寸臺面長1250mm(大于同行尺寸標準)可以平肩可站3個成年人有余,臺面寬度300mm行業標準。 6. 操作簡便:提杠收縮,機械互鎖聯動原理。(www.xiaoyistage.com)
1 solid and durable: the product main materials are aluminum alloy material 6061-T6; 2 to improve the safety: table for the aluminium alloy skid proof aluminum alloyplate load tested 1200kg, with stable telescopic arm, a main alloy 50mm in diameter, can effective bearing; 3 noise reduction: two mute casters can effectively reduce the moving noise,folded after single portable, convenient storage. Products attaches great importance to accuracy improvement, in the hole and slot error is controlled within 3mm, reduce the chorus photo changes noise. 4: overall appearance elegant by plasma electrostatic spraying, generally the default color black (other colors can call us, is proposed to provide color), effect is naval units specified in grey. Reasonable structure angle are effective,coordinated overall clean, light absorbing; 5 reasonable structure: experiments of reasonable size of table 1250mm long(more than peer standard size) can be flat shoulder stand more than 3 adults,mesa width of 300mm standard. 6 the operation is simple: lifting bar shrinkage, mechanical interlocking principle. |
會員級別:免費會員 |