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產品詳細介紹720°飛行模擬器 項目ltem 參數Parameter 電壓Voltage AC220V 功率Power 6KW 運動自由度Freedom of motion 2個連續360度翻轉 Two continuous 360-degree flip 座位數Qyt of seats 1 前后傾斜角度Slope angle of before and after 360° 左右傾斜角度Slope angle of left and right 360° 前后傾斜速度Slope speed of before and after 25°~180°/s 左右傾斜速度Slope speed of left and right 25°~180°/s 設備重量Weight 600KG 額定承重Rated load 150KG 尺寸大小(長*寬*高)Size (L * W * H) 2.10*2.40*2.10m 包裝尺寸(長*寬*高)Packing size (L * W * H) 2.30*2.60*2.30m 占地空間(長*寬*高)Floor space (L * W * H) 長寬高(L * W * H):2.10*2.10*2.8m 游戲Game 鷹擊長空;山地越野Helicopter Strike Force;Cross-country mountain 控制電腦及軟件Control computer and software 游戲搖桿自由控制 Freedom joystick control 720°飛行模擬器使用空間兩軸360度旋轉機架,與游戲緊密結合,營造一種全方位、多感官體驗、多飛行狀況的真實操縱感。 獨創性地將橫向360°+豎向360°結合出全新720°的飛行運動模擬軌跡! 全數字伺服控制系統,高精確度、快速響應、低延遲! 仿真駕駛艙,身臨其境般的駕駛感覺! 游戲場景逼真,真實還原戰斗場面! 游戲內容兩款:鷹擊長空,山地越野! 720 degree Flight Simulator 720 degree Flight Simulator is made of two axles of 360 degree rotating frame. It can closely integrate with the movement and scenario of the game. And it makes a real sense of racing or flight for people. It’s amazing that 360 degrees horizontal and 360 degrees vertical’s flight movement track makes a new feeling of flight. The system of digital servo control shows high precision, fast response, low latency! Cockpit simulation, immersive driving experience. Game scene realistic, true to the battle scenes. Two types of games: Helicopter Strike Force;Cross-country mountain |
會員級別:免費會員 |