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EU-Standard Panel Light Driver: 12 Series in 6 Modes
Last week, we’ve had a rough understanding about Lifud classroom lighting system solutions, and today we are going to share with you Lifud EU-Standard panel light LED driver solutions.
Since the launch of Lifud first panel light LED driver in 2009, Lifud has accumulated 13-year experience on its research and development and is in a position to provide various excellent panel light solutions to our clients.
6大品類12大系列 12 Series in 6 Modes
Lifud 12 series of EU-Standard panel light LED driver can be segmented into 6 modes: non-dimmable, DALI dimming, 0-10V dimming, Triac dimming, Bluetooth dimming and Zigbee dimming. They have power options ranging from 11W to 60W and basically all of them conform to the latest ERP standard and harmonic current emissions standard.
4 non-dimmable LED driver series
Marked as “GIF” (indoor flicker-free LED driver series) in their names, they are supreme energy efficiency YA Pro series, 10-year warranty PB series, IP40 rating YAII series and hot-sale YS series, and each of them has its own advantages to be properly applied in different panel lights.
DALI (CCT) dimming LED driver series
萊福德DALI家族適用于面板燈的電源產品,有DT6調光及DT8調光調色2大系列,其中DT6調光款LF-GSDxxxYC為DALI/Push/0-10V/PWM/Rx五合一調光,且可實現10臺電源僅占用1個DALI IP地址同步調光。
Lifud DALI LED driver families have 2 panel light series with DT6 (dimming) and DT8 (CCT dimming), and DALI DT6 LF-GSDxxxYC series supports 5-in-1 dimming: DALI/Push/0-10V/PWM/Rx dimming and synchronous dimming: 10 LED drivers share only 1 DALI IP address.
兩大系列調光特點 Features of these 2 series:
Adjustable current via the DIP switchb.調光平滑無頻閃 Smooth dimming and flicker freec.調光曲線可選(對數或線性) The logarithmic or linear dimming curve is selectabled.調光深度0.1% 0.1% dimming depth
Except for DALI LED driver, Lifud has full series of DALI accessories for clients to procure such as bus power supply, dimming panel, light sensor and so on.
0-10V dimming and Triac dimming LED driver series
In terms of panel light application, Lifud Triac and 0-10V dimming drivers have 0.1% dimming depth, built-in MCU and high compatibility with multiple dimmers and dimming systems on the market.
Lifud has tested its driver’s compatibility with many brands on the market, including Siemens, Philips, ABB, Jilai, Yongnuo, CHINT, Bull, etc.. For more videos about the testing effect, please check the column “Product Demo” of our WeChat account.
4 Bluetooth and Zigbee (CCT) dimming LED driver series
In addition to the above series with wired dimming methods, Lifud panel light LED driver families have 4 wireless dimming series which were developed to adapt to changes in intelligent market, including Bluetooth (CCT) dimming series and Zigbee (CCT) dimming series. All of them are made by the latest dimming technology and have various dimming advantages:
特點 Features:
a.平滑無頻閃的無級調光效果 Smooth dimming and flicker free dimming effectsb.可接入天貓、小度、亞馬遜等智能語音音響,實現語音控制 Connected to AMAZON ALEXA, GOOLGE ASSISTANT, TMALL GENIE, DUER, etc. to enable voice controlc.可定制換啟動及漸變時長,讓調光更加個性化 Customized timing for power-on and gradually varied functionsd.兼容涂鴉生態,輕松完成區域組網 Compatible with Tuya ecology to simply enable regional network distributione.小體積、性能與認證全方位兼顧 Compact size, high performance and various certifications
Except for Zigbee dimming LED driver, Lifud has the same full series of Zigbee accessories as DALI such as gateway, dimming panel and so on. What’s more, Lifud Bluetooth and Zigbee dimming LED drivers can be customized based on clients’ different system modules.
以上6大品類12大系列就是萊福德歐規面板燈的主要電源解決方案,還有什么其他產品需求,歡迎留言討論。That’s all for today, if you have any other product requirements, please leave a message below. ▼部分應用案例展示
Some Lifud LED driver application cases