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產品詳細介紹GHP型系列智能光照培養箱 GHP Series Intelligent Lighting Incubator 適用范圍: Applicable range GHP型系列智能光照培養箱廣泛應用于微生物組織細胞培養、種子發芽、育苗試驗、植物栽培以及昆蟲、小動物飼養等,能準確模擬不同環境氣候條件,是衛生防疫、院校、實驗室、環境保護、農林畜牧業等科研單位,從事生產科研作恒溫、光照實驗培養的裝置。 GHP series intelligent lighting incubator is widely used for cell culture of microorganism organization, seed germination, raising of seeding, plant cultivation, insect and kitten breeding, it can accurately simulate the different environment climate conditions, serving as the constant temperature and humidity illumination incubator in various scientific research departments such as hygiene and disease control, academy, laboratory, environmental protection, farm livestock, etc.. 產品特點Features : ※采用微電腦液晶程序控制溫度、光照,控制穩定準確。 Microcomputer controls the temperature and humidity, with stable and accurate control; ※溫度可隨光照的有無實行晝夜不同的設定。 The day and night temperature is settable depending on the illumination; ※獨立限溫報警系統,超過限制溫度即自動中斷,保證實驗安全運行不發生意外(選配)。 Through an independent temperature-limit alarming system (optional), the incubator can cut off the power automatically if beyond the limiting temperature, to guarantee the safety run of experiment and prevent the accident; ※獨特風道循環系統,確保工作室內部風力分布均勻,不會吹到植物幼苗。 Unique air circulating system ensures uniform distribution of air in the working chamber, not blow down the seedling; ※采用鏡面不銹鋼內膽,四角半圓弧易清潔。 Adopting internal bladder of finished stainless steel as well as four semi-circular corners, easy for cleaning; ※壓縮機、循環風機等關鍵零部件均采用品牌產品,具有安全可靠特點。 The key parts such as compressor and circulating blower are imported, very safe and reliable. ※升級型智能化可編程光照培養箱,具有大屏幕液晶顯示控制器,除以上功能外,外型更新穎,控溫、光照度更精確、保護,更完善,并可配RS-485接口,可連接打印機和計算機,記錄溫度參數的變化情況(選配)。 The upgraded type intelligent programmable lighting incubator has large-screen LCD controller, featured with nice appearance, temperature control, higher lighting precision, more perfect protection besides above-mentioned functions, what’s more, they may be equipped with RS-485 interface (optional) that can connect with printer and computer to record the change of temperature parameters. 技術參數:Technical parameters: 型號Model 技術參數 Tech. parameter 光照培養箱 Lighting Incubator 種子發芽箱SeedGerminator GHP-160(E) GHP-250(E) GHP-300(E) GHP-400(E) GHP-500(E) ZNP-100 容積Volume 160L 250 L 300L 400 L 500 L 80L 制冷系統Refrigeration system 任選 — 環境溫度Ambient temp. 5~35℃ 控溫范圍Temp. range 無光照5-50℃ 有光照10-50℃ No illumination: 5-50℃ Illumination: 10-50℃ RT+5-50℃ 光照強度Intensity of illumination 普光0~6000LX五級可調 強光0~12000LX五級可調 Normal light 0~6000LX five steps adjustable Strong light 0~12000LX five steps adjustable 1000LX三級可調1000LX three steps adjustable 溫度分辨率Temp. resolution 0.1℃ 溫度均勻性Temp. homogeneity ±1℃ 溫度波動度Temp. fluctuation ±0.5℃ 電源Power supply ~220V 50Hz 功率Power 700W 1000 W 1200 W 1500 W 2500W 500W 內膽尺寸Size of internal bladder (mm) 500×400×800 525×450×1180 560×500×1200 600×550×1250 650×600×1300 420×360×530 外形尺寸Outline size(mm) 630×580×1250 680×650×1620 740×720×1650 766×755×1700 816×805×1750 550×550×830 載物托架(塊)(標配)Shelves (normal) 3 4 5 2 定時范圍Timing range 1-9999min 備注Remark 注:“E”為液晶顯示程序控制 Note: E represents LCD control. |
會員級別:免費會員 |